FrostyOverlay is easy to setup, making it a good choice of stack to use for the novice RapidWeaver user. It has a decent set of style options to help you customise all the basics. Most of the number settings let you specify your own units of measurement (e.g. px, rem, em, %, vw or vh) so you can use whatever you're most comfortable with or whatever is most consistent with your theme or framework.

When adding your own background image, you can either use an image dragged and dropped into RapidWeaver or link to an image that's already stored online. The central content container (featuring the glass effect) supports any simple stack types.

As you would expect, FrostyOverlay is fully mobile / tablet compatible and tested to work in all newer web browsers; including Firefox, Safari, Edge, Brave and Chrome.


This is an example of the FrostyOverlay stack, with the demo image (supplied) and default settings used.
Enter your text here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.
© Copyright - William Woodgate - Burrator Lake, Dartmoor, England


Simply drag and drop the FrostyOverlay stack into a Stacks page. From the select menu, choose to use either a dragged-and-dropped or a warehoused image as your background. Place a stack into the content box (like a text stack) and customise the text and styling to suit your requirements. Any of the other FrostyOverlay style settings can be changed too. All settings display informational tooltips on mouseover.


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