TextResizer was previously developed in 2012 by RWExtras, under the name 'Font Resizer Ultimate'. Now named to just 'TextResizer', the stack was re-released in November 2021. Changes include support for targeting other elements on the page with the resize buttons and tidying-up of the user interface. The stack continues to work well with a wide choice of themes and frameworks.

Different stacks are supported by TextResizer; including styled text, Markdown, columns, tables and HTML code. TextResizer doesn't introduce any extra code into your written content, change the font faces or convert text into images. Elements in your content like links, lists and basic formatting are preserved. Text placed inside TextResizer remains accessible to all website users and search engines.


In the simple example below, you can make the block of text change size, by using the buttons. Normal functions to select the text and copy it are still supported.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris mattis aliquam velit, ut facilisis ex fringilla ac. Aenean faucibus commodo dictum. Sed nec sapien in dui lacinia iaculis. Etiam pharetra lorem ut turpis tincidunt, vitae euismod dolor rhoncus. Pellentesque ultricies, eros vitae pretium imperdiet, erat est mattis diam, at feugiat justo ipsum id diam. Integer lectus odio, vestibulum id luctus in, consectetur sit amet libero. Aliquam maximus tempor dolor, sed faucibus felis venenatis in. Curabitur est massa, lacinia non hendrerit nec, sollicitudin sed orci. Nam id leo dignissim, blandit erat vel, consectetur massa. Donec eleifend neque a convallis mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi imperdiet egestas eros eget lacinia. Curabitur faucibus tempus tortor sed tempus. Ut urna ex, mattis id tempor id, faucibus nec leo. Vestibulum porttitor vitae eros eu pellentesque.

Etiam ex arcu, sodales non porttitor imperdiet, mattis quis mi. Sed euismod turpis eget mollis vehicula. Maecenas eget leo tortor. Cras vitae lorem convallis, auctor leo a, vulputate tellus. Phasellus vel euismod nisl. Aliquam hendrerit commodo viverra. Maecenas ut lectus nisl.

Cras vitae sem ut ipsum fringilla iaculis. Mauris vel pellentesque urna. Phasellus eget leo tincidunt, cursus nunc vel, sagittis sapien. Donec eu erat sit amet dolor vehicula ultrices sed sed nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin convallis lorem vitae porta ullamcorper. Nam nibh felis, pulvinar nec porttitor sodales, iaculis cursus ex. Etiam augue dui, aliquet eget convallis ut, commodo eu turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tellus mi, volutpat nec ullamcorper ac, ultrices quis tellus. Nam vehicula, dolor ut malesuada porta, eros ante volutpat mi, eget ultrices augue diam non enim. In et magna ac elit scelerisque dapibus ut quis odio.

Nunc ornare libero et diam ornare bibendum. Sed posuere libero id est fermentum gravida. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis volutpat consectetur sapien quis rhoncus. Maecenas feugiat sem et ligula porta, feugiat accumsan neque ullamcorper. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla ornare auctor augue eu pulvinar.


To use TextResizer in your own RapidWeaver website:
  1. Download and install TextResizer in the normal way.
  2. Open your Stacks Library. Search for 'TextResizer'. Drag and drop a copy of the stack into the page.
  3. Further instructions are shown in edit mode. You can either place basic text stacks into the drop zone or target other elements in the page.
  4. Within the TextResizer settings, you have a couple of options to change the style of the resize buttons and the font size increments.
  5. Preview the page to test the result. Save your changes. Export or publish the page in the normal way, when done.

All settings in TextResizer have informational tooltips on mouseover, to explain what an individual setting does.


If you find this stack element useful in your personal or commercial web projects; please consider making a small contribution towards ongoing support and updates. There are many different ways you can contribute to the Stacks4Stacks project, and benefits for doing so.